IOTE Expo China

IOTE 2024 | The 22nd International Internet of Things Exhibition-Shenzhen

Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an District)

[IOTE Expo 2024 Shenzhen]After overcoming the difficulties of RFID in blood management applications, the company has more orders than it can do - Review the afternoon part of the RFID conference


On August 28, the "IOTE 2024 Shenzhen RFID Passive Internet of Things Ecological Seminar" officially began, the morning speech was mainly technical, and the afternoon was mainly to share the application of RFID in all walks of life, and many audience members continued to participate in this knowledge feast.



The first person to share in the morning was Xu Haiping, Huawei's senior expert on wireless standards and industry development. He introduced the progress and application scenarios of 5G-A passive iot industry. He said that 5G-A passive iot has advantages such as large power, controllable interference, far coverage and global unification of standard protocols compared with traditional passive iot.

In recent years, 5G-A passive iot technology and tag chips have gradually matured, and it is expected that in 2025, Q2 wireless side standards will freeze, and all Q4 standards will freeze into commercial use.

In terms of practical applications, 5G-A passive iot is particularly suitable for digital production and large-scale warehousing, and global operators are also actively carrying out 5G-A passive iot technology testing. 5G-A passive iot has been commercially verified in some complex commercial scenarios such as the transparency of factory production logistics, metal stacked flat silos and three-dimensional silos, Mr. Xu said:

"Last year was not sure, this year we finally dare to say that passive iot is about to enter the era of 100 billion connections."



The second speaker was Yang Linli, deputy general manager of Shanghai Kunrui Electronic Technology Co., LTD., who introduced the innovative solutions of Kunrui Electronic in different levels of item positioning and tracking and tracing, including near-area RFID positioning, local passive Bluetooth positioning and wide-area 5G NR tag positioning.

With its efficient and fast characteristics, near-area RFID positioning technology is suitable for some asset management scenarios, which can realize real-time monitoring and accurate positioning.

Passive Bluetooth positioning is for local application needs, and wide-area 5G NR labels provide strong support for item tracking in intelligent industrial manufacturing and other fields.

By combining the characteristics of different technologies, Kunrui's solutions can be flexibly applied in a variety of fields to meet the diverse needs of customers in different application scenarios.



Next, Song Hailong, product director of Flathead Brother, shared.

Song said that although the performance of RFID chips has been continuously improved in recent years, there are still low reliability, insufficient limit performance, and low recognition rate of complex scenes, and Pingtou Brother Semiconductor Co., LTD., as a wholly-owned semiconductor chip business subject of Alibaba Group, continues to innovate RFID technology.

Through the RFID series of products, the passive Internet of Things can be promoted to enable more Internet of everything scenarios, and help RFID play a role in the application fields of shoes and clothing, fast-moving consumer goods retail, smart logistics, supply chain management, dynamic asset management and other complex scenarios.



CAI Haian, general manager of Zhejiang Middle Class Technology Co., LTD., introduced the original millimeter RFID positioning system of Zhejiang Middle class technology, the core technology is MLSIM positioning technology, the working principle is to lay multiple labels along the track or ground X axis (two-dimensional detection Y axis) in accordance with a certain distance.

The RFID antenna and the position collector (commonly known as the reader) are installed on the moving object. The position collector collects the EPCID, RSSI and phase values of multiple labels through the RFID antenna, and performs noise reduction and filtering processing on the collected data to generate multiple reading models. By comparing the reading models, an effective reading model is selected

Set multiple annotation models inside the device to match, and select the standard model with the highest matching degree.

Millimeter-level RFID positioning system can be applied to the positioning of various rail locomotives, such as the factory crane, belt conveyor, AGV car, hopper positioning, port terminal stackers and reclaimers, gantry crane positioning, robot positioning, etc.



The CEO of PragmaticSemiconductor, DavidMoore, said that the vision of the "Internet of everything" has long been proposed, but its progress has been hindered by concerns about the cost, availability, and sustainability of semiconductors.

Pragmatic is revolutionizing semiconductor manufacturing through flexible integrated circuit (FlexiC) technology.

FlexIC offers low-cost, low-carbon smart solutions with ultra-thin, flexible forms and fast production cycles of less than 48 hours.

Pragmatic's innovative technology will power the Al model with large-scale connectivity, perception, and computing power, and ultimately unlock the potential of the Internet of everything.



After that, the offline release ceremony of "2024 China RFID Passive Internet of Things Industry White Paper" was held.

This RFID white paper has been strongly supported by several participating units, they are Baodian Trading (Shanghai) Co., LTD., Deshi Group, Sichuan Keluwei Technology Co., LTD., Shenzhen First Shi Technology Co., LTD., Guangdong Zhongshi Fa Intelligent Technology Co., LTD. And Pragmatic Semiconductor, we specially invited them to witness and presented a plaque to thank them.



The last person to share in the morning was Zhang Zhongliang, head of the AloT Star Map Research Institute, who shared the RFID report that had just been released.

He said that UHF RFID tag shipments reached 44.8 billion in 2023, is expected to exceed 100 billion in 2030, in the case of a high base also achieved high growth, domestic applications are also gradually led by retail volume.

At the same time, domestic chip manufacturers have risen to compete with foreign chips.

In the reader market, global UHF RFID reader shipments are also growing rapidly, and domestic manufacturers dominate.

He then discussed the market situation of the other two bands, and in general, the HF RFID market is expected to grow slightly after experiencing a decline, while the LF RFID market is stable.

After that, he briefly introduced the AloT Star Map Research Institute and said that it will continue to provide in-depth market analysis and reports to help companies grasp industry trends.



The first person to share in the afternoon is Zeng Zhihua, chairman of Guangdong Zhongshi Smart Technology Co., LTD., who said that the retail 4.0 era has quietly arrived, in this era, consumers are no longer passive participants in shopping behavior, but have been shaped into the core of the consumption scene.

The intelligent retail solutions supported by RFID technology will give unlimited possibilities to the transformation of modern retail industry and provide more abundant imagination space.

SRS AI intelligent retail launched by Zhongshifa is an RFID retail overall solution integrating intelligent retail, intelligent warehousing and store management.

By attaching RFID tags to the goods in retail stores to give a unique ID, with hardware and software, you can realize the overall linkage of people, goods and fields, open up the barriers between various roles, and realize the digital transformation and upgrading of the traditional retail industry.



The second speaker was Lea Yang, Senior Product Marketing and Business Development Director of NXP Semiconductors Greater China, who first introduced NXP Semiconductors and its development history in the NXP China market.

After that, she analyzed the opportunities and challenges of the circular economy and smart logistics market: the logistics industry accounts for 10% of China's total carbon dioxide emissions, and it is expected to reduce 40% through the circular economy, and NXP can provide diversified technologies to promote smart logistics.

For example, the use of RFID to achieve efficient inventory management and solve the waste of disposable packaging and recycling sharing of recyclable vehicles, reducing vehicle asset losses.

In order to be efficient and sustainable, smart logistics requires a strong partner ecosystem, and NXP wants to collaborate more with industry partners to enable a circular economy.



The next to share is Ke Jin, industry director of Fujian New World Automatic Identification Technology Co., LTD., who said that New World based on the company's self-developed module algorithm, in-depth analysis of the pain points and solutions in the RFID project of enterprise services, through innovative application scenarios, to reduce costs and increase efficiency for customers.

He took the application of RFID in the material management cabinet as an example, the traditional meter cabinet management efficiency is low, the workload is large, looking for inconvenience and other pain points, the new Continent through the anti-cross-read filtering algorithm, fixed read and write terminal and near-field antenna solution to perfect.

Finally, Mr. Ke also introduced New Land's strong self-research strength and RFID product matrix. At present, New Land's self-branded products have been marketed all over the world, accounting for more than 50% of the overseas business, providing rich customized solutions for many of the world's top 500 enterprises, and winning the trust of customers in more than 100 countries and regions around the world.



The fourth person to share is Liu Xinghua, vice president and general manager of retail division of Shenzhen Yuanwanggu Information Technology Co., LTD., who said that in today's digital era, RFID technology is becoming a key driver of retail industry transformation.

RFID can realize the rapid identification and tracking of goods, which greatly improves the efficiency of inventory management.

By grasping the inventory situation in real time, the business can replenish the stock more accurately and reduce the phenomenon of stock shortage.

In sales, it speeds up checkout and improves the customer experience.

For example, there is no need to scan the code one by one, and the whole basket of goods is instantly recognized.

Moreover, RFID helps to combat theft and keep goods safe.

Finally, Mr. Liu also showed the RFID solutions of many famous retail brands in Yuanwang Valley, showing Yuanwang Valley's excellent project implementation capabilities.



The next to share is Ma Yan, department manager of Beijing Zhixin Microelectronics Technology Co., LTD., he said that the passive Internet of things can use solar energy, radio frequency energy and other environmental energy self-sufficiency, showing low power consumption, ultra-long life and excellent adaptability, providing an unprecedented solution for those complex scenarios in the power system that are difficult to wire or limited grid access.

He said that Zhixin Micro focused on the in-depth exploration and research of key technologies of passive Internet of Things, and presented a series of practical cases to show how passive Internet of Things can seamlessly connect with new power systems: from improving operation and maintenance efficiency to ensuring grid security.

From promoting the development of green energy to realizing the vision of energy Internet, passive iot is leading us to a new era of smarter, greener and sustainable electricity in its own unique way.



Next, XiangHaiquan, deputy general manager of Beijing Hongcheng Innovation Technology Co., LTD., delivered a vivid speech, where he focused on typical application scenarios in the field of biosafety, such as blood safety monitoring, bacteria (virus) species preservation, biological sample management, and the opportunities and challenges for UHF RFID technology, and introduced what Beijing Hongcheng Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. has conquered in these scenarios

Some technical problems and related product solutions are presented, and the future application of UHF RFID in the field of biosecurity is prospected.

Finally, Hongcheng Innovation also invites suitable RFID upstream and downstream partners to cooperate, because after overcoming the difficulties of RFID in blood management application and obtaining customer recognition, the company ushered in a good market development opportunity.



The seventh person to share is Liang Kui, general manager of Guangzhou Morning Control Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., who introduced the application difficulties of RFID in 4680 large cylindrical lithium battery production line: the maximum deviation of the on-site battery cup frequency is 2.42MHz, which does not have normal sales levels.

The built-in label of the bracket is a traditional winding coil, which is susceptible to various external factors such as glue curing process, drop collision, etc., resulting in coil deformation, resulting in a deviation of the resonant frequency, and it is difficult to ensure frequency consistency.

The morning control RFID+ cup holder supporting program is self-developed and customized ring PCB label, injection molded with the cup holder, high antenna sensing consistency, and the frequency is adjusted according to the actual application before the factory and the network analyzer is used for full inspection, and the cup holder 360° identification, and is suitable for reading in high-speed motion, can achieve 300PPM production line efficiency, high reading rate, no missed reading, series reading.



At the end of the forum, Pragmatic and Jingjia Group digital packaging strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony.

The Group and Pragmatic Semiconductor officially announced a strategic cooperation agreement, and the two sides will jointly open a new chapter in the innovative application of flexible chip technology in the field of digital packaging through the deep integration of RFID flexible chips, electronic labels and digital packaging projects.


At this point, IOTE 2024· Shenzhen RFID Passive Internet of Things Ecological Seminar successfully concluded, thank you for your attention and support, we will see you next year!


This paper is from Ulink Media, Shenzhen, China, the organizer of IOTE EXPO (IoT Expo in China)

IOTE 2024 The22nd International Internet of Things Exhibition-Shenzhen 2024.08.28-30 Wed. To Fri. 9:00-17:00(only Friday until 14:00)

IOTE EXPO SHENZHEN LOCATION-Shenzhen World Exhibition Center (Bao'an District)
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