IOTE Expo China

IOTE 2024 | The 22nd International Internet of Things Exhibition-Shenzhen

Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an District)

[IOTE Expo 2024 Shenzhen]The Visual IOT, perceiving everything | IOTE 2024 Shenzhen · Visual iot Consumer Industry Ecological Conference was successfully held!


In recent years, with the continuous progress of artificial intelligence and other technologies, intelligent vision, as the "beachhead" of AI, has been rapidly developed and widely used, and has gradually penetrated into various fields, from the traditional manufacturing industry, security monitoring to the emerging smart home, automatic driving, smart medical, virtual reality and other application scenarios, for people's production and life has brought a lot of convenience.


Among them, in the consumer field, thanks to the continuous improvement of consumer demand for intelligence, convenience, personalization, etc., the application of visual IoT technology in the consumer market has become more and more extensive, traditional security enterprises have gradually changed to the visual Internet of things, product form, market direction, operating model and other aspects have undergone significant changes.

In this context, on the morning of August 29, the "IOTE 2024 Shenzhen · Visual IOT Consumer Industry Ecology Conference" jointly organized by the Visual iot and Tmall and Tencent was successfully held at Hall 3, Hall 10, Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center. This conference aims to explore the development trend, application scenarios and market prospects of vision technology, and promote the development and application of vision technology in the consumer field.


As one of the sub-forums, this conference focused on the visual Internet of Things industry ecosystem, and specially invited a number of industry giants: Xiangshan security Yu Zhidong, Rock security Liu Yan, Tmall monitoring security director Hui Hunt, Tencent Cloud Shenzhen customer director Meng Fansheng, etc., to share the development status quo and future trends of the visual IOT consumer industry, explore new opportunities and innovate the future.


Host: Xiangshan Security - Yu Zhidong


How can enterprises reshape themselves in the new media era

In the era of digital wave sweeping the world, the rise of new media has not only changed the way of information dissemination, but also become an important platform for corporate communication and marketing, with unique advantages. At the meeting, Rock selection security - Liu Yan brought a keynote speech on "How enterprises reshape themselves in the era of new media". Mr. Liu said that the unique label recommendation mechanism of short video makes the cost of customer acquisition under the new model very low, so Tiktok, as a tool, can allow enterprises to enjoy a lot of short video traffic dividends, the focus is to see how enterprises make good use of tools in the new media era.



In the age of AI, how to redefine visual IOT products in e-commerce

At present, the security industry is in a big security stall, "small security" recovery of the market state, the traditional channel stall, home security market development is accelerating, and e-commerce to maintain growth. At this conference, Tmall monitoring security person-will hunt around the theme of "AI era, how to redefine visual IOT products in e-commerce" to share. Huiyue said that in the post-epidemic era, with the changes in user consumption mentality and habits, as well as changes in platform competition forms and other factors, the demand for e-commerce has continued to grow, the price has covered the whole population, and the supply and user activity have continued to rise.



AI and connectivity bring new opportunities to smart hardware

At present, with the promotion of consumer demand and AI and other technologies, the visual I0T industry has shown a new development trend such as diversified demand, product intelligence, refined operation, and improved safety requirements. At the meeting, Meng Fansheng, account director of Tencent Cloud Shenzhen, delivered a keynote speech on "New Opportunities brought by AI and connectivity to intelligent hardware". As a world-leading Internet technology enterprise, Tencent Cloud provides stable digital base support to help the digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of the consumer electronics industry from the aspects of products, research and development, production, sales and service, and collaborative office.



This paper is from Ulink Media, Shenzhen, China, the organizer of IOTE EXPO (IoT Expo in China)

IOTE 2024 The22nd International Internet of Things Exhibition-Shenzhen 2024.08.28-30 Wed. To Fri. 9:00-17:00(only Friday until 14:00)

IOTE EXPO SHENZHEN LOCATION-Shenzhen World Exhibition Center (Bao'an District)
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